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New Matrix Example Released: Petrol Station Model
This model documents an experiment to convert an existing MASL model to the Matrix language . MASL is expected to become the main modeling langage for the Executable UML BrigdgePoint tool.
The Event Transmutation Cycle: How Events Change Form Passing Through a Model
This new and original diagram shows how the different types of diagrams used in analysis are connected together from an event viewpoint. The diagram is a "Big Picture" view that provides an essential insight into the dynamics of event processing within a model .
New Matrix Example Released: Gothic Hotel Model (Part 2/2)
This example shows how the Gothic Hotel securty system should be analysed by using entities abstracted from the problem space. The previous example model, Gothic Hotel Controller followed the original article by implementing a state machine solution .
New Matrix Example Released: Gothic Hotel Controller Model (Part 1/2)
A model based on a state machine design of an amusing but fantastical security system described by Martin Fowler in a discussion about Domain Specific Languages (DSL) .
Introducing State Event Transition Notation
The new State Event Transition notation is a formal notation that joins entity life-cycles by showing exactly how states and transitions in different state machines are synchronized using events .
Windows WiX Installer Model Released
The Windows WiX Installer model generates an application's WiX installation source file in XML format. The file is processed by the WiX toolset to produce an installable MSI file for the Windows platform. This model is used to generate the installer for the Model Compiler download .
Future Proof Enterprise Launched
A new resource for Board Level Executives, Project Managers and Business Analysts has been released. The Future Proof Enterprise website gives managers reasons to adopt Matrix Technology in the form of an informative FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page.
Many important and wide ranging questions about our Matrix Technology are answered such as:
- How does future proofing deliver business value?
- How exactly does Matrix Technology lead to productivity improvement?
- How does Matrix deliver long term reuse?
The Modeling Trinity: The Role of Petri Nets in the Matrix Method
The Matrix Modeling Trinity explores the underlying role of Petri Nets in the Matrix Method. It equates modeling elements found on the analysis diagrams to Petri Net components such as Places, Arcs and Tokens.
It also shows how Tokens are transformed as they move around the modeling cycle from diagram to diagram.
New Matrix Learning Edition: Major Release V1.0.1 now includes Simulator
Dark Matter Systems is pleased to announce Matrix V1.0.1. This release features a Simulator which provides developers with a customised debugging and testing environment.
The Simulator has commands for the display of objects, generated events and states as they are entered. Scripts can be used to automate test scenarios or the developer may choose to generate events interactively from the command line and display the model's response.
Also in this release, new statements for allowing access to previously visited contexts of the same entity and various bug fixes.
New Matrix Example: The Passenger Elevator Model
The Passenger Elevator (Lift) model is a relatively complex example and is included in the Matrix Model Compiler V1.0.1 release. Using the fully symbolic Simulator, the model can be tested thoroughly with various scenarios either interactively or by invoking scripts specifying external events and other commands.
Upcoming Matrix: Professional Edition
The Model Compiler – Professional Edition out later in 2014 will feature pattern statements, multi-domain working and generate production level optimised C code.
Upcoming Matrix Example: UltraDark Website Model
A model that creates a program that when compiled and run generates HTML pages as used by the UltraDark website. This model will only be executable in the Professional Edition.
Matrix Model Compiler Beta Released
The free Matrix Learning Edition Model Compiler (Beta) is available for download.
Models written in the Matrix modeling language can now be automatically translated to C source code by the Model Compiler.
Matrix Modeling Language Announced
Matrix is a textual modeling language that’s designed to be translated to many existing programming languages such as C, C++, Java and Ada.
The Matrix language provides an extremely high level of abstraction compared to currently available executable modeling languages; that’s because Matrix semantics are especially designed to deal with true modeling concepts. By being firmly based on the Analysis Design Matrix framework, relational theory and state machines, Matrix provides a solid foundation for future proof software development.
Analysis Design Matrix Website Launched
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